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We are the trusted source to finding information on legal and immigration matters in Singapore. Our mission is to facilitate the search process of legal matters in so as to benefit the society as a whole.

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Our aim is to provide a simple user interface to search for related lawyers. At the same time, we are also giving an opportunity for more online exposure to lawyers and law firms.


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Law Firms

Our portal not only features local law firms but we include consultancy firms as well to further enhance the value we provide.



A Ang Seah & Hoe

A C Shone & Co

ADTvance Law LLC

APL Law Corporation

Abdul Rahman Law Corporation

Abraham Logan & Partners

AbrahamLow LLC

Ace Law LLP

ACIES Law Corporation

Advocates Legal Chambers LLP

Advocatus Law LLP

Aequitas Law LLP

Aquinas Law Alliance LLP

Alain A Johns Partnership

Allen & Gledhill LLP

Alliance LLC

Alpha & Omega Law Corporation

Amica Law LLC

Andrew Ee & Co

Andrew Yap & Company

Ang & Partners

Anthony & Wee Jin LLC

Aptus Law Corporation

Arbiters’ Inc. Law Corporation

Archilex Law Corporation

Ari Goh & Partners

Ascentsia Law Corporation

Asia Law Corporation

AsiaLegal LLC


Bachoo Mohan Singh Law Practice

Bajwa & Co

Balkenende Chew & Chia

Beacon Law Corporation

Belinda Ang Tang & Partners

Bernard & Rada Law Corporation

Bih Li & Lee

Braddell Brothers LLP


Camford Law Corporation

Catherine Lim & Co

Central Chambers Law Corporation

Characterist LLC

Chia Wong LLP

Chiu Cheong LLC

ChrisChong & CT Ho Partnership

Chris Chua & Associates

Christopher Bridges

Christopher Lau

Chow Peng & Partners

Citilegal LLC

Clifford Law LLP

Colin Ng & Partners

Cooma & Rai

Cosmas & Co

Crossbows LLP


Damodara Hazra LLP

David Chong & Co

David Lim & Partners

David Ong & Partners

Darshan & Teo LLP


De Souza Lim & Goh LLP

Deepak Raja & Associates

Derrick Wong & Lim BC LLP

Dhillon & Partners

Dodwell & Co

Dominion LLC

Donaldson & Burkinshaw

Drew & Napier LLC


Eden Law Corporation

Edmund Pereira & Partners

Eldan Law LLP

Engelin Teh Practice LLC


Fabian & Khoo

Firoze & May LLC

Fortis Law Corporation

Francine Tan Law Corporation


Gabriel Law Corporation

Gateway Law Corporation

Genesis Law Corporation

George Hwang LL.C

Glen Koh

Glenn Knight

Global Law Alliance LLC

Gloria James-Civetta & Co

Godwin Campos LLC

Goh Wong Pereira

Goodwins Law Corporation

Grace M & Associates
Grays LLC

Gregory Ong & Co


Haridass Ho & Partners

Harry Elias Partnership

Hilborne Law LLC

Ho Wong & Partners

Hoh Law Corporation

hslegal LLP



Ignatius J & Associates

Incisive Law LLC

Infinitus Law Corporation

Intelleigen Legal LLC

Island Law LLC


J. Chan & Associates

JHT Law Corporation

JLC Advisors LLP

Jeyabalen & Partners

Joann Ting LLC

Joo Toon & Co

Joseph Tan Jude Benny LLP

Joyce A Tan & Partners

Jubilee Law Corporation

Julie Tok & Co


KK Lee & Partners

K Prasad & Co

Kalco Law LLC

Karuppan Chettiar & Partners

Kelvin Chia Partnership

Kenneth Tan Partnership

Keystone Law Corporation

KhattarWong LLP

Kim & Co


LawHub LLC

Lawrence Quahe & Woo LLC

Lee & Lee

Lee Bon Leong & Co

Lee Kwok Weng & Co

Legal Solutions LLC

Legis Point LLC

Liberty Law Practice LLP

Lim & Lim

Lim Ang & Partners

Lim Hua Yong LLP

Lisa Sam & Company

Loh Eben Ong & Partners

Loo & Partners LLP

Low Yeap Toh & Goon


M & A Law Corporation

Madhavan Partnership

Mallal & Namazie

Margaret Law Corporation

Malkin & Maxwell LLP

Mark Goh & Co

Mathew Chew & Chelliah

May Oh & Wee

Michael Hwang Chambers

Mirandah Law LLP

Moey & Yuen


NLC Law Asia LLP

Namazie & Co.

Nanyang Law LLC

Netto & Magin LLC

Nicholas & Tan Partnership LLP


OTP Law Corporation

Oliver Quek & Associates

One Legal LLC

Ong Sim Ho

Oon & Bazul LLP

Opal Lawyers LLC

Oracle Law Corporation


PK Wong & Associates LLC

PKWA Law Practice LLC

PY Legal LLC

Pacific Law Corporation

Peter Low LLC

Pinn & Co

Pointer LLC

Prasanna Devi & Co

Premier Law LLC


R Kalamoham Law LLC

RHTLaw Taylor Wessing LLP

Rajah & Tann LLP

Rajan Chettiar & Co

Ramdas & Wong

Ravindran Associates

Regent Law LLC

Robert Wang & Woo LLC

Robertson Chambers LLC

Rodyk & Davidson LLP


S Q Kong & Company

S.S Parhar Law Corporation

Salem Ibrahim LLC

Samuel Seow Law Corporation

Seah Ong & Partners LLP

Selvam LLC

Shook Lin & Bok LLP

Sim Mong Teck & Partners

Song Ling & Partners

Stamford Law Corporation

Sterling Law Corporation

Straits Law Practice LLP


T L Yap & Associates

TJ Cheng Law Corporation

TSMP Law Corporation

Tan Kok Quan Partnership

Tan Lee & Partners

Tan Peng Chin LLC

Tan Rajah & Cheah

Tan See Swan & Co

Teh Yip Wong & Tan

Thanga & Co

Timothy Ng LLC

Tito Isaac & Co

Toh Tan & Partners

Trident Law Corporation

Trinity Law Corporation


UniLegal LLC


Via Law Corporation

Veritas Law Corporation

Vincent Lim & Associates


Wee Ramayah & Partners

Wee Swee Teow & Co

Wee, Tay & Lim LLP

William Poh & Louis Lim

Winston Quek & Company


Wong Alliance LLP

Wong & Yian LLC


Wong Tan & Molly Lim LLC


Xavier & Associates LLC


Yap Loh & Partners LLP

Yeo & Associates LLC

Yik Koh Teo LLC

Yeo-Leong & Peh LLC

Yuen Law LLC

Yusarn Audrey